
これまでの経緯/Where I stand so far

元上司の好意で、彼の出身校にvisiting studentとして1年間無料で勉強が出来る事となり、常日頃から留学をしたいと思っていた私は、喜び勇んで渡米したものの、実際に授業が始まると、私のそこでの立場は言わば聴講生に他ならず、参加出来ると聞かされていたLeadership foundationなどの課外授業はもちろん、聴講出来る科目も限られているという事が分かり、授業が始まって早々に「こんなはずじゃなかった」という気持ちが募りました。出来ない事があまりにも多過ぎる現実に、私は何のために渡米したんだろうと、思う事もありましたが、同時に、その気持ちが、この機会に自分もfull-timeの学生として参加出来る道を探すしかないという思いへと変わるのに、そう時間は掛かりませんでした。初めての一人暮らしという事で、8月には渡米していた事もあり、その間にその大学のMBAの現2年生や、新1年生と接する機会に恵まれ、彼らと色んな話をしているうちに、触発された部分もあります。
ともあれ、そうして時間のない中での受験を決意した私は、まず初めにアメリカにいながらエッセイや面接の準備を助けてくれる人を探す事を決めました。「MBA 合格」などのキーワードを使い、様々なプログラムの学生の受験体験記をブログなどで読むうちに、日本国内でいくつか実績のある予備校がある事を知り、そうしたところで、通信教育の様な形でサービスを受けられるかどうかを検討したものの、思う様なサービスがないと知り、予備校は諦めました。次に、MBAカウンセラーを探す事に決め、再び色んな方のブログを読ませて頂く中で、ヨーロッパのトップクラスのMBAに合格された方のブログから、あるカウンセラーのHPを発見し、直接連絡を取り、やり取りをする中で信頼出来る方であるという確信を持つ事が出来たため、その方にお願いする事となりました。(この方については、ご本人の了承を得てから、後日改めてご紹介させて頂きたいと思っています。)


出願したのは、Fuqua、Kellogg、Wharton、Andersonの4校で、そのうち現時点ではAndersonから合格通知を受領しています。Kelloggはwait list、Wharton及びFuquaは不合格でした。






It was at the end of September 2008, when I decided to apply for MBA programs starting from Fall 2009.
At that time, I was visiting one of the MBA programs as a visiting student (which is actually an auditor). It is kind of a unique status (my contact person at the school told me that they don't have anyone like that for the past twenty years or so) and neither I nor the school know about what I can do. But when the Fall quater started, I quickly figured out that there were so many things I couldn't do as an auditor, but could do as a full-time student. And by meeting with current students, it didn't take much time for me to realize that I need to apply for the program.

I knew that I didn't have much time to prepare for my application, yet I was far from being ready for anything. But I was confident that the timing was right for me (with three years of working experience), and I couldn't miss this chance.

The first thing I did was to search the internet by using keywords such as 'MBA' 'admitted' 'applicant' 'preparation' etc, and read blogs of ex-applicants, articles, and websites for clam schools. I quickly figured out that I couldn't use any clam schools in Japan since they didn't offer any distant education services. I tried to figure out how I could prepare for GMAT, and decided to study by myself (I will touch on this later in other entry) by taking cost and efficiency into account.

I could prepare for GMAT and TOEFL by myself, I thought. But I was not confortable to prepare essays all by myself. So again I tried to search for MBA counselors, and in an entry of MBA student's blog, I found one who seemed to be the best fit for my needs. That counselor would help me brush up my resume, advise me on essays, and hold interview practices. Soon I contacted him via e-mail on his website, spoke with him via skype some days later, and decided on him since he sound very sincere. And I was right. (I am planning to write a separate article about him when I could have his approval)

I would like to gradually write about how I prepare for the tests, essays, and interviews, but before I move on to these topics, I would like to share you about the results.

I applied for second round for four top programs; Kellogg, Fuqua, Anderson, and Wharton. I was accepted to Anderson, on a wait-list for Kellogg, and rejected by Fuqua and Wharton. Considering that I started my application three months before the deadline, I am happy about the result. (Even I wasn't accepted, I was able to proceed to interview process for Kellogg and Wharton.)

Additionally, I applied for Kelley, Emory, Olin, and Owen, to expand possibilities. I was rejected by Emory, but I haven't heard from other schools yet.

I know this is not a super nice result, but I would like to keep posting this blog in order to encourage people who are interested in MBA, but not so sure about whether they can win their seats or not.

So I hope this blog could help you a bit to feel like searching for possibilities in MBA, if you feel that is right for you!

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